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Foundations II

Foundations II
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Price: $110.00
Availability: Available
Course ID: A-132

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Foundations - II

For dogs and puppies aged 4 months and older at the start of the class who have already completed our Foundations-I (or Foundations) class.

The Foundations-II classes address the next level of core behaviors, building on behaviors your dog already has. Continuing to build upon the communication techniques you've accomplished in the Foundations-I program, using positive, dog friendly methods.  The class size is limited to allow the trainers to give the students more personal attention--tailoring the class to the students needs!

The class culminates with the AKC Good Citizen test on the last day.  Graduates of FOUNDATIONS-II successfully, by taking the CGC test immediately upon completing the course can receive their AKC CGC certification and title directly!

Classes run for 6 consecutive weeks, except when interrupted by major holidays.  Class size is limited to 5 dogs to ensure TRUE PERSONAL attention!  Choose the session that is right for you. 

There is no additional information for this course.